So, my little dog Gizmo has long hair. Why we thought this would be a good idea, I'm not sure. Sometimes when it gets too long in the back, poop gets stuck in his fur. So the other night he's outside and when we go to call him he doesn't want to come in. This is not like him...he's not an outside kinda dog. Finally when we DO get him in, he hides under the table quickly. When he finally comes around we noticed that he has poop, once again, stuck on his butt. Ugh...gotta go get the scissors and cut it off. Bleck. My husband holds him, while I cut the poop out. It stinks. As I'm pulling his tail up, Gizmo lets one rip...right in my face! It actually sounded like a person fart! LOL!! We laughed so hard we were crying. After I am done that grueling chore, I go to wash my hands, and what do I find in the kitchen, but the REST of the poop that had fallen off of his butt, laying in the middle of the floor. I thought I would die! For once I was actually glad my nose was stuffed up from having a cold! Why did I want a long haired dog again???
ok so far we have 2 poop stories and a messy slimy kid!! LOL too funny Elle! Loved reading about it. You are a better woman than me, I'm glad you can laugh about it! LOL